1 in 5 Americans have low-literacy skills

President Lyndon B. Johnson declared September 8, 1966, as International Literacy Day, marking 57 years of its observance.

Historical Significance

International Literacy Day serves as a vital platform to raise awareness about global literacy needs and achievements.

Global Literacy Awareness

According to UNESCO data, the global youth literacy rate has risen significantly from 77% in 1975 to nearly 92% in 2020.

Youth Literacy Progress

Despite progress, illiteracy remains a global issue, with approximately 763 million adults lacking basic literacy skills, and a significant majority of them being women.

Ongoing Illiteracy Challenge

The COVID-19 pandemic, climate change, and international conflicts have exacerbated global literacy challenges, as reported by UNESCO.

Impact of Crises

Literacy plays a pivotal role in addressing systemic societal issues such as race and gender inequality.

Social Equality

Improved literacy levels enhance access to economic opportunities, potentially generating trillions more in annual income in the United States, according to a Gallup analysis.

Economic Opportunity

On an individual level, illiteracy can reduce a person's lifetime earning potential by 30-42%, and literacy contributes to social, physical, and emotional well-being.

Personal Earnings and Well-being