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Hart High School Principal Troy Moran

    Hart High School Principal Troy Moran: It’s been a tough week for students and staff at Hart High School in Oceana County.

    Their principal, 46-year-old Troy Moran, had a heart attack over the weekend and passed away.

    “I don’t think I’ll ever forget his laugh,” said Mark Platt, superintendent at Hart Public Schools.

    Moran’s laugh and spirit filled Hart High School for nearly three years.

    “He just shined a light on how he led, lived, and loved. He led with a tremendous amount of passion,” Platt said.

    Platt is grateful for the opportunity to have worked with Moran and to have called him a friend.

    “While he is gone, I can’t help but smile, because it was a blessing to know him,” Platt said.

    He shared that Moran was out for a run over the weekend when he had a heart attack and died.

    “Nothing could’ve been a bigger shock than getting that news,” said Platt.

    Especially for Andrea Degen, who works at the high school. She had just seen him at a soccer game hours before he died.

    “Replaying that conversation has been really hard. But I know he was doing something he loved to do. He loved to work out and run,” Degen said.

    She added that Moran, a father of two girls, loved his job.

    “He recently shared with me that he was the happiest he’s ever been in his professional career. He felt like he was in the happiest state,” Degen said.

    On Thursday, students will be let out of school early to attend their principal’s funeral. Platt believes Moran’s family will feel the love of the community.

    “I think they are going to be pleasantly surprised by the love they are going to see come back to them because of him. Tomorrow will be incredible,” Platt said.